Celebrity HIGHlight of the Month: Whoopi Goldberg

Remember in 2015 when Kanye admitted to smoking “a little something” before announcing he would run for president in 2020 at the VMA’s?  Yeah, I’m sure you remember.


But Kanye wasn’t the first to admit to blazing before an awards show.  Back in 1991, another stoned star glided across the big stage to receive an even more prestigious award, an Oscar.  


Whoopi Goldberg, now best known for co-hosting The View, admitted that she sparked up a jay before winning Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Ghost (1990).  To her own amusement, her own mom even called her out after the awards ceremony, saying she looked “high as hell.” (Who wouldn’t want to show up to an awards ceremony high af?) But now, Whoopi isn’t just getting high, in fact, in 2016, she launched her own medical cannabis line, Whoopi & Maya, specifically catered to women.  Branded as “synergistic products that significantly relieve PMS, menstrual discomfort and cramps” the line includes THC and CBD infused topicals, tinctures, raw sipping chocolates, and bath soaks.  Available in both California and Colorado, you can find out more here.


Part of Whoopi’s inspiration to create Whoopi & Maya comes from treating her own ailments with cannabis.  In the past she has admitted to using medical marijuana for years to treat her glaucoma. A non-curable medical condition, glaucoma gradually causes vision loss from pressure built up in the eye’s optic nerve known as intraocular pressure or “IOP”.  Conditions tend to affect people later in life and possible treatments include surgery and laser treatment, but neither are long term solutions.  Fortunately, Whoopi has credited cannabis with lowering her IOP, and in particular her vape pen “Sippy” has helped her easily medicate without the side effects of smoking and complications that come with a desktop vaporizer.  She describes her high as “a gentle, warm breeze at the beach” and now strongly recommends it to friends over taking prescription drugs or popping Advils.


You go Whoopi and Maya! Thank you for making a difference in women’s medical care.