How to Hide Weed Smoke: 4 Easy Marijuana Hacks

Let’s face it, sometimes you blaze up in places that you probably shouldn’t. We have all been there. It can range from a movie theater bathroom to just the living room of your house. Either way, smoking in certain locations proves more of a challenge than others. Not everyone appreciates the smell of that good flower. But that’s okay. Those are the times when you should bust out one of these five simple hacks to bury the smell (and in some cases the paranoia of being caught). Below are five simple hacks that we highly recommend trying at least once. To help find the most effective device, we have ranked them according to (1) the simplicity of using the item (2) the amount of smoke and (3) the smell left in the air. Let the blazing begin!


  1. Make a Sploof

This is a cheap and simple way to eliminate smell. All you need are three things: a toilet paper roll, a dryer sheet, and a rubber band. Place the dryer sheet over one of the openings of the roll and secure it with the rubber band. Then take your first toke and breathe out into the uncovered part of the tube.


Simplicity: 4/5. This is an easy thing to make. It only takes about a minute to make. I would have given it a 5 but sometimes you are not in arms reach of an empty roll of T.P.

Smoke Prevention: 2/5. There is still a large amount of smoke that escapes from the tube, so smoke by a window.

Smell level: 4/5. The smell is still strongly in the air.



  1. Smoke buddy

This is the sploof on steroids! It has a very similar design to the sploof but is said to eliminate all odor and smoke from the air. It also comes with a key chain of a “smoke buddy,” just in case you want to show some pride in your purchase.  You can get it from Amazon here.

Simplicity: 5/5. This product is very simple to use. Just blow your smoke into the the open end of the device. I would just recommend keeping your mouth pretty close to the opening to avoid letting any air escape.

Smoke Prevention: 4/5. It does what it says! Just make sure that you breathe fully into the opening or else you will get some smoke sneaking out of the sides. I would have given this a 0 but if you do not position it close enough then you will get some smoke trails.

Smell level: 2/5. So smoke level is a little harder to determine that we first thought. When you have weed in a room there is going to be some smell. But as far as we can tel, there is less smell in the air.

  1. Fan directly by the window

This is an oldie but a goodie. Just make sure that it is set up correctly for maximum air flow. I don’t know how many times I have seen people do this wrong and the smoke just gets pushed right back into the room.

Simplicity: 5/5. Place a fan right against the window facing outward. Done. That’s it. Just make sure that the fan is almost flush against the window. Use a box fan for maximum surface area and wind flow.

Smoke Prevention: 5/5. If done correctly, all of the smoke is pushed out of the window with the   fan. No smoke.

Smell level: 1/5. Again, kind of hard to tell, but as far as we could tell it was pretty effective at pushing the smoke outside.


  1. Vape pen

This is one of our personal favorites. Vape pens do not release smoke but vapor. It does not set off smoke alarms and does not have the traditional smoke or smell of burning kush. Plus, it is gentle on the lungs so you don’t have to worry about giving away your location with uncontrolled coughs.

Simplicity: 4/5. The only change in the pen is that you may have to charge the pen before use.

Smoke Prevention: 5/5. No smoke but maximum vape clouds.

Smell level: 3/5. There is a distinct smell, but it is not the smell of burning weed. Depending on the stain smoked, it smells more like a flavored tobacco pen.

Thanks for reading.  If you have any weed hacks to prevent smoke let us know in the comments below!

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