He Did What?!: How Rick Simpson Cured His Own Cancer

Back in 1997, Rick Simpson was working as an engineer in a Canadian hospital tasked with covering asbestos on ceiling pipes in the hospital’s boiler room.  The work was difficult since the room lacked proper air circulation and was filled with toxic fumes.  Suddenly, Rock Simpson experienced a nervous system shock that caused him to fall off his ladder and hit his head.  

After receiving treatment from a local hospital, Rick tried to go back to his normal life.  However, he continued to experience sudden dizzy spells and a ringing between his ears following the accident.  Unfortunately his medication barely worked, sometimes even worsening his symptoms.  

Rick Simpson

Rick knew he needed help but didn’t know where to find it.  That’s when he saw a documentary promoting the medicinal benefits of cannabis, and despite his doctor’s disapproval, began using cannabis to treat his symptoms.  For those of you who treat your own tinnitus and sudden dizzy spells with cannabis, you might know what happens next–Rick observed a significant improvement in his symptoms.

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning for Rick.  In 2003, he woke up to three seemingly cancerous bumps on his arm.  His doctor confirmed that he was in fact suffering from a form of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma.  Since Rick had successfully treated his past symptoms with cannabis, he figured he’d give it a try once more, only this time using a concentrated cannabis oil.  Rick had read about THC being used to kill cancerous cell growth in mice, and decided that a concentrated cannabis oil could best serve this purpose if applied topically.  

After making a batch of oil, Rick applied some to his arm and wrapped it in bandages. Four days later, the cancerous bumps were gone.

Typical packaging of RSO in syringes

Although his doctor refused to believe he could actually cure his own skin cancer with cannabis, Rick saw himself as living proof of the effectiveness of cannabis treatment. The oil he made, now known as Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, has been used to treat thousands of patient, 5,000 of which Rick Simpson himself treated free of charge.  Conditions that have been treated with RSO include:  cancer, diabetes, crohn’s disease, gout, pain relief, Glaucoma, Opioid Dependence, treating alcohol abuse, epilepsy, psoriasis, anorexia, asthma, adrenal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, migraines, Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome, and Multiple sclerosis.  Patients typically administer RSO orally, and follow a dosage chart available from Rick’s site: http://phoenixtears.ca/.  There you can find an abundance of resources to learn more about Rick’s journey and RSO.

RSO from caliproper.com

For those interested in treatment, Rick Simpson suggests making your own RSO, however this can be difficult for some.  There are some outlets offering RSO online but be extremely careful.  Many sites list hemp oil (made from the stalk of the cannabis plant instead of the flower) as RSO, which allows them to ship across the United States.  Be careful, as hemp oil does not contain THC and lacks the same properties as RSO.  Also be careful of anyone claiming to be or have any association with Rick Simpson as he promotes himself solely through his own website.  Despite the name, RSO producers have no association with Rick Simpson. If you are a California resident with a medical recommendation, we suggest visiting http://caliproper.com/ .  They produce quality, all-natural RSO that ships anywhere in-state.

Thanks for reading about Rick Simpson and RSO!  If you have had any experience with RSO be sure to let us know in the comments below.


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