Our 5 Favorite Stoner Films:


5.Half Baked

With a young Dave Chappelle as the lead, it is easy to see why Half Baked deserves a spot on our list.  The plot is fairly straightforward.  Thurgood Jenkins (Chappelle) and his roommates decide to sell weed in order to pay for their friend’s $100,000 bail.  After making a few sales to everyday stoners, their business, Mr. Nice Guy, attracts the attention of a local drug dealer that complicates matters. Thurgood must be careful not to disclose his weed business with his romantic interest Mary Jane Potman (yes that’s really her name), whose stance on weed resembles Jeff Sessions.  You can forget everything you just read, just watch it see Chappelle.



4.Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

A stoner classic, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is an essential watch for any stoner.  After toking up a bit, Harold and Kumar agree on White Castle to satisfy their munchies; however, getting there is a little more difficult than it should be.  An impromptu surgery, a Neil Patrick Harris high on ecstasy, and a sesh with a cheetah are a few of the many highlights. Definitely grab some friends and some snacks to watch this one.




“Bye, Felicia.”  Friday has achieved something few movies have accomplished–its effectively embedded itself in popular culture.  With a series of memorable one-liners and hilarious characters, Friday tells the story of two friends in South Central Los Angeles.  On a Friday, Craig (Ice Cube) and Smokey (Chris Tucker) must  pay their local drug dealers $200 by the end of the day.  Along the way they observe the on-goings of their neighborhood, from a local Pastor trying to cop a couple grams of bud for free to a local bully harassing anyone in his sights.



2.Inherent Vice

Paul Thomas Anderson’s Inherent Vice definitely stands in opposition to some of the other films listed.  It’s not a goofy stoner comedy, but rather a surrealist crime drama/thriller that actually makes you feel high while watching regardless of how stoned you are.  The plot follows Joaquin Noah’s character, Doc, a private investigator and certified stoner, who must find a series of missing peoples.  Driven by confusion and uncertainty, Doc’s actions complicate an already disorienting movie.  There are few intentions to clear things up and curveballs occur frequently.  It almost seems as though Anderson is trying to play with your subconscious. Stoned or not, the film is captivating and deserves repeated viewings.



1.The Big Lebowski

The Dude wouldn’t have it any other way.  The Big Lebowski is a certified cult classic.  Jeff Bridges (Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski) gets caught up in kidnapping incident after having his identity mistaken.  This sets off a chain of events which includes his car getting wrecked after The Dude and his friend (John Goodman) interrogate a teenager in one of the movie’s funniest scenes.  Amongst the chaos, the dude just wants to smoke a little pot and go bowling with his buddies. 



Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your top 5 stoner movies in the comments below. 🙂

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